A room temperature quantum computer idea


Beta member
Chips exist that use a random event in the chip to create random numbers for study and encryption. Could two such chips that randomly pick on and off. Be used as the two inputs for a logic gate. Using alot of these chips to logic gates could be like a quantum computer. A breadboad experiment could prove it. If succesfull a full quantum chip could be produced. That could lead to new bioses, operating systems. New cumputers for everything.
Kinda more complicated than that....
first you need to create qubits:
And then you'll need to put qubits into a chip:
You Tube about qubits:
I can not recall exactly but I think qubits can only exist in a super cooled state, something in the 20 millikelvin range. That would be -273 celsius (or -459.4 f which is near absolute zero).
Edit: that ain't gunna work on no breadboard....Room temp qubits do not exist at this point in time. If you could find a medium for a quantum qubit at room temp...you be as famous as Thomas Edison or Nikola Tesla!
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I am trying to keep it simple like the unit circle. I feel that a avalanche diode random circuit is a quantum event. I wonder if a separete random circuit for on and off. Placed on the input of a logic gate would cause quantum computing or just fractal patern generation. I did read about quntum crstals that returned to there begining state not just back random.
Here is a contrived Idea about the universe and quanta. I feel that large entities in the universe create domminant fields controlling our physics. That space is constant and eternal but not judgable without electromagnetic emmision and reception. Time is seperate and eternal and not always judgeable. If the time clock in the andromada galaxy is slower it is at a higher energy state with slower entropy. Somehow the flow of energy the speed of electromagnetic fields defines how real we are. When you are looking at quanta the speed of light at such a small distance we cant realy define it.