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Baseband Member
Hey Micro, I just wanted to let you know that you are doing a fan-tab-u-lous job with these HJT logs. You are always so thorough with your replys and you never slack when somebody needs help-you're always there for the not-so-technical people.

I wasnt sure if you ever recieve any recognition or not so I thought I'd give you a pat on the back and let ya know :D :cool:

TF folk should feel proud to have you as a mod. Keep up the great work. Cya.
Hell yeah he is a great guy! I concur! I tell many people of this great forum.
"Will hijackthis for money..."

Xko said:
Flattery will get you everywhere!

MB sure is a valuable member to have, plus he also responds well to money...:D
Yeah. He's a great Mod! And i'm not just saying that because i want to be a Mod in the MacOS and PowerPC section.-(Wink)(Wink;) )-LOL!:p :cool:
and i dont even have anything to gain from providing the flattery lol i just felt like doing something nice. dont get used it though. JK! lol! im so joking im to nice most the time.

PS- man what a lazy ass weekend so far. just sitting around being a bum, beer in hand, drooling on myself. its great.
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