Overclocking RAM


The strange one
My motherboard allows me to overclock my ram to 3600 mhz. It will draw a lot more electricity, produce a lot more heat, and increase the wear on the motherboard and the RAM.

So... is it worth it?
Overclocking RAM these days is almost entirely pointless, it's not the bottleneck that it once was... Heck, overclocking in general is almost pointless these days IMO.
Overclocking RAM these days is almost entirely pointless, it's not the bottleneck that it once was... Heck, overclocking in general is almost pointless these days IMO.
Yup. I mean it's fun when you want to mess around and see what you can do, maybe play with some 3dmark. In general though there's no real benefit except real high stress situations that none of our machines are geared for anyways. If you're a gamer the only thing that matters to OC is the GPU.
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