Who is using Apple's Passbook


Beta member
I just added my first Passbook card on my iPhone 4s and to be honest, I'm pretty impressed.

I've also been reading some blogs about the actual adoption of these cards by large and small scale businesses and I'm really curious what sort of things other people see Passbook being used for? I read that someone manually converted their IKEA card to a passbook card. Will converting your own cards catch on?

For instancc, I'd really like my Gym Membership card in Passbook and perhaps the loyalty cards I keep in my wallet.

Basically, I'm curious, do you think Passbook will catch on in the mainstream? If so, what card would you you like to have in your passbook instead of in your Wallet?
I have yet to really make any use of Passbook. Since I live in Ireland, there are very few companies making use if it. I would love if I could use it for some of my loyalty cards and also for my student travel card. Things like that would be really cool. The idea that if you lose a card then you are still ok would be great! I hope Apple promote it better in the coming year.
Passbook is going to require more work before it goes mainstream. It was really more of a gimmick for iOS 6 and hasn't been very useful for the vast majority of users.
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