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Nuts about Nets: Wi-Fi diagnostic tools with a difference | Network Administrator | TechRepublic.com

Nuts about Nets: Wi-Fi diagnostic tools with a difference
Date: March 16th, 2010
Author: Michael Kassner

I have not been keeping current with available Wi-Fi test and discovery software. That mistake cost me a lot of extra work.


For years, I have used NetStumbler as my primary Wi-Fi network discovery tool. No longer, Nuts about Nets, LLC has stolen my allegiance with a program called NetSurveyor. Before discussing the tool, I would like to share some information about the company. Founder Steve Leytus describes Nuts about Nets, LLC as:

“A leading innovator of low-cost, PC-based, Wi-Fi diagnostic tools used for installing, optimizing, and troubleshooting 802.11 (Wi-Fi) networks. We continually strive to develop new and easy-to-use tools that professionals and non-professionals alike apply in the real world situations to gain optimal performance from their wireless networks.”

I believe it. The company has developed PC-based RF spectrum analyzers, Wi-Fi channel analyzers, 2.4x and 5.x GHz channel/signal generators, and 802.11 packet injectors. NetSurveyor and NetStress are the two I write about and are free. I also tried several of the for-pay applications, besides being inexpensive, they perform well and have features of devices costing a great deal more.
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