*The Official Tech-Forums 3DMark 13 Rankings*

PP Mguire

Build Guru
Fort Worth, Texas

Download Here

3DMark 13 tries to bring benchmarking to the masses with cross platform support and scoring. In this thread we will be concentrating on the meat of the bench which will be the Fire Strike benchmark.
This is full DX11 and therefor you will need:
  • Windows 7 or 8
  • A DirectX 11 Complaint GPU

To be ranked you must post:
  • A Screenshot containing CPU-Z, GPU-Z, and the 3DMark 13 score board.
  • ORB Link with submitted results must be included to be ranked.
  • Owner of the post must post for scores to be valid.

Post your score using this format. Only official format will be ranked.


5959 | PP Mguire | i5 750 @ 4.2ghz | GTX 580 SLI 925/2200/1850 | W7 x64 | ORB

Intel[/COLOR] - [*COLOR=royalblue]
Nvidia[/COLOR] - [*COLOR=SeaGreen]
ATI[/COLOR] - [*COLOR=red]
AMD[/COLOR] - [*COLOR=DarkGreen]

All scores are welcome but only Fire Strike will be recorded. You can leave the others in the screen for friendly comparison.

3DMark 13 Fire Strike List!
If you cannot view the embedded Google Sheets document below, use this link to open in a new window: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Yz1lKNTSbFsAosQTm6tqrziyRoMW854JJA4zFt8MbWY&authuser=0

<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Yz1lKNTSbFsAosQTm6tqrziyRoMW854JJA4zFt8MbWY/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true&headers=false" style="width: 640px; height: 500px;"></iframe>
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5093 | Twizted_3kgt | Q6600 @ 3.3ghz | GTX 660 Ti SC 1206/3206 | W7 x64 | ORB


The previous run I noticed was downclocked. Had to do some wire routing/tucking to get better airflow through the case. Dropped the temps almost 10*C under load to keep it under 70C and prevent a downclock. Little bit higher score this time.

Is it the forum or the test that isn't as popular as previous 3Dmarks?
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