Check This New Searchengine Concept Out !

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Baseband Member
Hello Folks !

I need your opinions on a concept.
Please do not fool around but honestly give your opinions because if your opinions seem all positive then I am thinking of running such a venture mentioned below.
Also, please forward everyone you know (on the internet) to this post so I can also gather their opinions.

My Idea :
When other searchengines send you visitors there is no guarantee that every visitor they send you will buy something from you. If they leave your website without buying anything from you or leaving their email-address to you then you never get the chance to contact them and ask how you can help them to make them buy from you and not from your competitions.
I am thinking of running a searchengine where if you list your link on it then my searchengine will track who we are sending to your website and then give you the chance to contact the visitor.
This is good for you because if that visitor left your website without buying anything from you then now you get a chance to turn this round.
My 1st question : Is this a good idea ?

Likewise, my searchengine will track who we are sending to your competitions' websites and then give you the chance to contact their visitors.
This is good for you because if that visitor left your competition's website without buying anything from them then now you get a chance to turn this visitor into your own customer.
My 2nd question : Is this a good idea ?

I know that, you have a question how the tracking will be done to trace and contact your own website visitors and those of your competitions.
Well, I am not going to reveal all my trade secrets here because I don't want other searchengines competing with me.
All I can say is that, my searchengine won't be installing any spywares on my searchengine users PCs nor cookies to track and trace them. My users can have all the spyware detectors they like but not a single one of them will ever alert them that my searchengine is installing spywares on their PCs.
Also, I believe, you have another question, why would any of my users allow my searchengine to keep records of what websites they surf and why would they give my searchengine the permission for it to forward commercial company's ads to them ?
Well, again I am not going to reveal all my trade secrets here because I don't want other searchengines competing with me.

All I want from you is to forget seeing things from my searchengine user's point of view but see things from your point of view as some-one who lists his website on my searchengine. Let me worry about how to attract such users.

Now, my 3rd question is : would my searchengine service be valuable to commercial websites like your's ?
I mean, how much would you charge (if you was in my position running my searchengine) to give a website the tools to contact their own and competitions' websites' visitors ?

Let's assume that your website is listed on my searchengine. I would provide you the following services. Let me know, if they would ve valuable to websites like you or not.

I would show you stats :
a). who visited your website and
b). when and
c). what webpages he/she visited (so you can learn their tastes and find-out which webpage made them leave).

And for this record, I would charge you 5 cents per visitor.
So, if I show you record of 2 visitors, my charges would be 10 cents.
Now, if you contact one of these visitors (for feed-back, offers, etc.), I would charge you $1 to forward your 5-line ad to the visitor.
Do you reckon my price is too cheap ?
My 4th question is : What's the maximum do you think I can stretch to but still have people like you paying to use this particular service by the tonnes ?

I would show you stats :
a). who visited their website and
b). when and
c). what webpages he/she visited (so you can learn their tastes and find-out which webpage made them leave).

And for this, I would charge you 10 cents per visitor.
So, if I show you record of 2 visitors, my charges would be 20 cents (double to what I would charge you if you was contacting your own visitor).
Now, if you contact one of these visitors, I would charge you $2 (double to what I would charge you if you was contacting your own visitor) to forward your 5-line ad to the visitor.
Do you reckon my price is too cheap ?
My 5th question is : what's the maximum do you think I can stretch to but still have people like you paying to use this particular service by the tonnes ?

Would you list your website on my searchengine knowing that I would allow your competitions to contact your website visitors (those whom my searchengine sends to your website) ?
If you don't, then you too won't be in a position to do the same to your competitions who will be listed on my searchengine.
It's upto you now.
Frankly, if I was you, I wouldn't mind if my competitions lure my visitors to their order forms because these visitors already left my website without making any purchases anyway. So, what have I really got to lose ?
Frankly, I'd have something to gain because now I'd be in a position to do the same to my competitions.

Now, imagine that, a visitor is browsing your competition's website and at that time my searchengine gives you the chance LIVE to see what webpages the visitor is browsing at the moment (so you can learn his/her taste) on your competition's website and then when the visitor is about to click to your competition's order form, my searchengine gives you the chance to buzz them to distract them from making the order and also gives you the chance to make an offer (so you can make an offer with a better bargain than your competition), then would you use this service knowing that your competitions would be in the same position to do the same to your own website visitors ?
It's upto you now.
Would you really list your website on my searchengine and have the risk of having your competitions snatching your "likely-hood customers" like this from your order form just so that you too can have the same advantage over your competitions in a similar manner ?
If you would, then upto how much are you willing to pay my searchengine to give you the advantage to buzz your competition's visitors from their order forms like this to your own LIVE offers ?
I mean, what's the maximum do you think I can stretch to but still have people like you using this particular service by the tonnes ?

:down: :down: :down:

I browsed it. Its an interesting concept, I'll give you that, but it would never work in practice. It would be too hard to spread it, and frankly, I wouldn't participate even if it was free :confused: .

As for your trade secrets, don't believe in them.
Yes, but what if I have permission to track my users activities on my searchengine where they don't mind me selling out their surfing behaviour ?
AOL would probably be interested, the idea is very annoying though. I get enough spam as it if, lets leave it at that.
I wouldn't take that invasion of privacy. I would just use another search engine, personally.

It's definitely an interesting concept, but I don't think the idea would appeal to many users, it would appeal more to the advertisers, which is often why advertisers DO get such information from spyware data. This is one of the ways spyware makers bring in profits.

The issue with this that you are going to have is convincing the user why (s)he should go use your search engine instead of Google. Telling them that you are going to be selling some of your browsing information to the advertisers isn't going to give them a desire to switch.
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