Convert virtual hard disk image to OVF/OVA

Paul Kinyanjui

Baseband Member
Hi Guys,

I recently exported one of my many VMs to an external drive as back up using a tool called Starwind V2V. During the export process, which I must say took me a while, I thought the file was being converted to an OVF format. However, I checked this upon completion and it reads hard disk image. I would like to mount this image as a way of creating a new VM using Vmware. However, to achieve this n order for me to mount the VM, it has to be in OVF or OVA format. Has anyone hacked this one before?

The problem is that I tried powering on the VM but all I got was an error saying "device bootstrap not available" See now I have too problems and very little time.

Please feel free to ask questions incase its not clear.


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