Corsair Ironclaw for trade

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Grandfather of Techist, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Staff member
The South
I am currently using a Corsair Ironclaw mouse. It fits most of my needs but I got to try out the feel of a Razer Deathadder today and it fits my grip almost perfectly. I have gone through several mice over the past few months trying to find one that fits best and finally found it... and my funds have ran out.

I am wondering of anyone has a Razer Deathadder (10000 or 16000 dpi) that they would like to trade for my Ironclaw.

I had the older 5000 dpi version and while it is a great mouse, I'll have to admit that the mandatory registration and Razer program you need to make your profiles, is garbage. Hopefully they changed the way they do business with that stuff.
That part hasn't really changed AFAIK. I am already using their surroundsound software for my headset so adding a mouse shouldn't be too bad. Hell, every mouse out nowadays has its own software to go with it.
I found a cheap enough deal on a Deathadder that I could afford it. I may put the Ironclaw up for sale once I receive it. We shall see.
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