I just found a great product

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Beta member
I recently came accross a great remote access product, It allows the user to control their office PC from any other office PC that has a high speed internet connection. It even allows the user to access info from the office PC using a blackberry, PDA, or even a cell phone. I was super impressed with the product and its cheap. Heres the link, take a look.
So, how long have you used this "product"?
What is the product's name?
What are the benefits over the competition?

almost a month now and its called I'm InTouch. Its more secure than PC anywhere and you dont need software on both ends so its way more convenient. As well I found that PC anywhere doesnt support wireless devices. In general its cheaper and has more features than PC anywhere, Go To My PC etc...
Hey Larry, just a question? did you take the link out of my post. if so why would you do that? Without it the post is pretty useless dont you think!
abstract01 said:
Hey Larry, just a question? did you take the link out of my post. if so why would you do that? Without it the post is pretty useless dont you think!

Because it very much sounded like...let us say, an endorsement.

No advertising.
part of the problem with your post to begin with:
1) it reads like an advertisement
2) the only "real" info you gave about the product/service was the link
3) the point of this forum is to discuss new products/services
4) if the most important part of the post was a "link" then we are not really discussing
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