not registering points?

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Daemon Poster
im not sure what im doing wrong, but decided to start folding again but it's not showing up in the stats.

ive sent about 4 wu's over in the last couple of days.
Are you sure that you have the team number set as 12864 in the F@H configuration?
Well you have to check the configuration of the F@H. You have 2 teams listed. Ours at 12864 and another team at 12860. So it could easily be that you are contributing to the other team.
I am not seeing "jasonalwaysready" on the list at all. I see a "jason", but that's the closest one.

What client are you running? I use the F@H GPU client (all in one, CPU and GPU).
clicking on the provided 'stats' link takes me to the right page. i did request and stick in a passkey this time, could that be the problem? again, ill post a log later...
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