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Re: Today I have...

Sometimes I would rather not be given a tracking number for a package. That way I couldn't check its status every time I am in front of my computer. Checking it won't get it here any faster and just makes me more anxious.

I'm doing this right now lol. I have 2 packages out and what sucks is they are being sent back. Once they make the destination I have nothing to look at :(
Few things I have problems with myself. I can't sleep on anything besides my full sized memory foam mattress topper. If I do I wake up in agony because it hurts my back. I also can't lay flat on my stomach or flat on my back for more than an hour or so or I have serious issues.

Also sucks that I can't let my son play on me. He likes to sit right on that area and play horsie which kills me.
That's almost word for word what James said to me before the operation, after I think it was the 3 month mark and the doc and surgeon said go nut's and he hasn't had any problems since bar one (he fell down the stair unrelated to the implant) where he has had to take it easy.

I mean I used to see this guy walk out a shop with a bag put it down and stretch after 100 meters, now he let's his son piggy back a ride and carry the bags all the way home without stopping.

I hope you get this mate I really do, it takes you from a near cripple to fully functioning person again. And after seeing James go from a day to day miserable frown to a day to day smile just like when we where kid's is worth it from my point of view so I can only imagine how he feel's in himself.
I don't see how it's not possible. Surely fitting 2560x1440 pixels into a <6" screen is much harder than it is on a 24"+ screen. And surely manufacturing a 55" OLED is harder than 24 to 28" OLED. It just doesn't add up. The resolution, nor size should be a problem.

It's actually far easier and cheaper to make a small high-res display than a large one. Mostly for reasons I've forgotten. IIRC it relates to the proportion of manufacturing defects per display increasing as display size increases.

Edit: This explains why in more detail http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/58922-3-high-resolution-monitors-expensive
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Re: Today I have...

I don't know what it's like in betting shops where you live but in the UK we have card and roulette machines with a pritty loose limit and plenty of them in deprived areas. Often payday lenders have places nextdoor to them or within a few hundred meters, and it's predatory **** like that makes my blood boil.
It really ****es me off as well. The companies know that these folks' only way out of a bare minimum wage job is to win big.
It's actually far easier and cheaper to make a small high-res display than a large one. Mostly for reasons I've forgotten. IIRC it relates to the proportion of manufacturing defects per display increasing as display size increases.

Edit: This explains why in more detail Why are high resolution monitors so expensive? - Flat Panel Monitors - Computer Peripherals

The reasoning I know is simple, not everyone has perfect vision.

Untill about a month ago I was using a Samsung Galaxy mega 6.3 as my main phone, and my mum has Macular degeneration in both eyes one is wet the other is dry, she was really struggling to see the text on her phone screen so I got myself a new phone and gave her the mega and she can see the text (after I bumped the size in settings) perfectly.

HD screens are a issue when you have a signt problem, and if it's a device like a phone why spend more money than you have too and please less people. Most people have a visual problem and when it's on a small device they notice it more as it's only arms reach, but if it's on the other side of the room they write it off.
Re: Today I have...

Edit: Chase beat me to it.

There is a XKCD for that, but in the UK DPD have this live track thing where when it's on the local van they show you the drivers location and yours and the ETA and no matter how many times you refresh the page he is still 47 min away.

Like a ninja :p.
Re: Today I have...

It really ****es me off as well. The companies know that these folks' only way out of a bare minimum wage job is to win big.

Prity much, sadly almost since it's inception the Minimum Wage hasnt caught up with inflation so most people who work on it are in debt just from paying for food, shelter, and basic utilities and the moment a problem you can't plan for appears, the banks wont lend to you so a payday loan seems like a good option to make sure your food wont go off, or your kids don't go to school without breakfast or shoes. That's when the 2970% APR kicks in....

I hope the EU resolution getting tabled in the next few week's get's traction as it would make PDL companies that are predatory shut up shop over night (one or two are not that bad, according to the report) and also expunge a huge amount of debt that made up on paper alone.

BTW about a month after this is tabled, a resolution is planned to make basic minimum wage a thing of the past and take it from subsistence to growth (in the UK £14,500 to about £16,500).
It's actually far easier and cheaper to make a small high-res display than a large one. Mostly for reasons I've forgotten. IIRC it relates to the proportion of manufacturing defects per display increasing as display size increases.

Edit: This explains why in more detail Why are high resolution monitors so expensive? - Flat Panel Monitors - Computer Peripherals

But the manufacturing process for OLED is totally different, i'm really not sure if it's made in anything like the same way LCD is.

I bet you anything that if the monitor market was worth $300Bn like smartphones are, we'd have OLED monitors by now :p

Won't matter anyway. VR will replace monitors (or at least be a viable alternative) in 5 years. I bet money on it. And VR is already OLED, so worry over.
But the manufacturing process for OLED is totally different, i'm really not sure if it's made in anything like the same way LCD is.

I bet you anything that if the monitor market was worth $300Bn like smartphones are, we'd have OLED monitors by now :p

Won't matter anyway. VR will replace monitors (or at least be a viable alternative) in 5 years. I bet money on it. And VR is already OLED, so worry over.

I wouldn't bank so much on VR being the norm especially on phones, Right now I have facetime on my Iphone, Do you really want to know how much I used that???? I would say once to try it out LOL, For the web maybe VR would be a little more used but that would mean more gear to carry. Sure some people would, just like those who use google glasses. But if I get a call on face time I wont answer, Sitting in my bed room in my boxers, A video call is the last thing I want never mind VR. Most people will think its real cool and many would get it. But in real life situations it will be a trend like google glasses seems to be, For the real tech I'll keep it on my PC.
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