Doing a quick experiment.

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PP Mguire

Build Guru
Fort Worth, Texas
I wanted to see how much heat folding would really put off so last night (this morning, same difference to me) I decided to take both my desks, 360s, and computer/server and setup in the living room. I'm folding on a 4.3ghz i5 750, overclocked GTX465, and 3.4ghz 6000+. My living room, family room, dining room, and kitchen are all connected together with no walls which leads to a small hall that then leads to the other 3 rooms and 2 bathrooms. In the living room 2 vents are sealed off due to blowing cold air rather than hot (serious ducting problem) and because of this anything outside of those back rooms is drafty and chilly despite the thermostat saying 72. This also means the central heat comes on a lot even if it's only 59F outside. Anyways, decided to lay down for a nap at noon and it was 66 in the house. Woke up and it was 75. It is my educated guess that folding 2 computers 24/7 for heat would be a lot cheaper than the central heat turning on a lot. I'm going to continue doing the experiment through the night and see if it holds up to low 30's outside and keeps us warm. If it does, I'll be folding 24/7 again until the warm season hits.
I missed this thread, thanks for the response.
That sounds pretty good so far. Perhaps getting an 80+ gold or platinum power supply may be worth it, assuming that this works well in terms of heat. - Antec EarthWatts Platinum Series EA-650 650W ATX12V / EPS12V SLI Ready CrossFire Ready 80 PLUS PLATINUM Certified Power Supply - SeaSonic X750 Gold 750W ATX12V V2.3/EPS 12V V2.91 SLI Ready 80 PLUS GOLD Certified Modular Active PFC Power Supply

Edit: On second thought, your power supply is 80+ silver, so the gains may be small.
Was just about to say, my PSU is more than fine. I ran a phased i5 750 (RIP) at 4.8ghz and 3 water cooled overclocked 280s on this PSU and it barely broke a sweat. I'm not to worried about a tiny water cool OC and air OC on a single 465. Now, if I had 2 480s I'd be a bit worried.....ish.

My next PSU upgrade will be an AX1200 IF I ever decide I need something else.
That AX1200 looks excellent. I'm really liking corsair in terms of power supplies. I got both mine and my GF's comps running them.
That reminds me, I need to replace the Bestec power supply in my father's computer. That thing is just waiting to go off.
Yea if this PSU wasn't a review sample then I would have bought an HX1000 when it came out. Didn't feel it was necessary after getting this one.
I'm also sorry I missed this, was in a game irc fight just now, mguire take a screenshot of your desktop with coretemp gadget displaying your temps.
Also get a shot of your cpu percentage as well, reason why I ask because I am tracking my folding on both computers and see how they both do and compare it with similiar or stronger systems.

My APU 3670k, I'm fixing to start folding again in 10 minutes, for some odd reason it stays very chilly in cold weather but when warm outside it gets to be over 70c and goes quacky ?
Blasted msi does not know what they are doing with their recent bios updates, I've been putting off trying to call them but that will be unvoidable by monday morning.
I can't even oc because their mutiplier settings are all jacked up from what they did.
100% full load temp is in the low 50s. I only have one core that is reading over 55c but I believe that is due to my ****ty block. I'm over 13Kppd on my video card alone. It wont show up for my CPU :wtf:
It was 33F last night and it got chilly but the central heat still barely came on. That's all I care about. I wanna keep the ambient high enough without using the central too much. I think if the area was a bit smaller it would keep it nice and warm.
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