PP Has A Peasant Box

PP Mguire

Build Guru
Fort Worth, Texas
So, with my new position I get to take home any toys I want. Last guy in here got in serious trouble for playing too much Halo by a VP so no more Xbox One. That means I get to take it home for an extended amount of time. Found myself going home and playing more Halo and Forza than gaming on my PC.

Then again, it might also be because one of my Titans comes to work with me every week and it's hard to play 4k content with only one Titan X.
Training, tours, tech class, technology testing, project colab, and behind the scenes work with vendors on making specialized applications for our enterprise/factory work. There's a lot more, but that's it in a nutshell.
So do you do teaching one day then work on apps the next, then do testing after that... Sounds like your off your feet none stop. How do you get time to do other things?
So do you do teaching one day then work on apps the next, then do testing after that... Sounds like your off your feet none stop. How do you get time to do other things?
Not at all like that. We have tours maybe once or twice a month. We have interns come in after they interview to show them what we're about and basically to tell them that they have open minds towards new tech unlike the people who need to retire.

Training and and such comes in Tuesday and Thursday where we have things called Tech Tuesday and Tech Thursday. People remote in or come to the lab to learn about basic things. Onenote, iOS security, blah blah. Most of the time I don't do the training.

The important part is the behind the scenes that we do. We have contacts with many vendors and a very large NDA so I get to know things before even most tech sites. Like right now we partnered with Toshiba to create an AR device that meets our standards and needs for the factory. AR being augmented reality. Kind of my own little project. I'll be able to talk about it more once the "computer" piece of it has NDA lifted. I think the most exciting thing for me was having lunch with Nvidia.

I'd say the hardest part of my job is scheduling and meeting everyone's demands. Like, if a team wants to borrow a piece of equipment I have to keep track of everything and make it fair for each time to have enough time to do their own field testing. Plus, make sure the devices are imaged and running properly, which isn't hard in itself but making the imaging team do their job is tough. It's not really a hard job and I love it, just requires a lot of knowledge in a lot of fields.
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