Windows Explorer Problem

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Beta member
Hey guys, I am currently running Windows XP without the newest update of Windows Explorer. My problem is that it will not load any webpages. It started off saying in the status bar "Finding site:" instead of my home page or any other webpage I typed in. would also never load, it just seemed to keep refreshing itself. I checked for spyware and viruses and this solved nothing. I then found a folder called Incredifind in my Program Files and deleted it. I thought this may have solved the problem, but it seemed to only make a slight change. Now everytime I open up windows explore I get an error screen saying : "This Page Cannon Be Displayed" with all the usual tips below it telling you what might be wrong. Everything that accesses the internet on my computer works fine, except for Windows Explore. I can even access the web using Netscape 6.2 (which is what I am using right now). Any help would be greatly appreciated. I already tried flushing my DNS and I made sure that all my settings were correct (as far as I could tell). Please give any ideas on this matter ASAP. Thanks in advance,
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