A Holla to all of you folding tricksters out there, F@H V7.1 is coming fast!

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Yeah I was alerted of the news in feburary and had to get some help from foldiing forum this week.
PantherX was nice enough to give me a link to F@H V7 beta, yes windows vista and 7 like it for now. ;)
Also those of you who want to dual sli or crossfire fold with 2 cards without much huffing and puffing.
This will easily do it for you, make sure you assigned the program to only you in setup otherwise it won't work correctly when using some features.

I was finally telling mguire just now, my 2 GT430's can fold together rather than in seperate pc's.
Those of you who do the all in one folding program should try this and see if you agree with pande new beta.
I'm sure paton knows about this and didn't make word of it yet, but this old man beat him to it first by posting this up for you! :devil:

Folding Forum • View forum - V7 FAHClient Open Beta
It seems to drop my ppd, and the first 3 completed work units won't upload to the collection server. It isn't getting the fahcore_16 work units despite having 2 5870's. The interface is nice but it doesn't seem to perform well yet. It does work in CrossFire mode without issue.
Yha and theres a reason why I haven't posted it.

Is a beta with lots of bugs, plus the new ati isnt any science value, AS you've seen calc, the 16s are scarce as they are just testing units. Though the production of them looks very promising.

To run bigadvc byou bneed 8 plus threads, smp 7 will stop big d/ls.

Right now using the new v7 is a gamble, and no one here can properly help out, when........ not if, things go bad. Theres constantly 70plus threads a day on the issues, but thats beta for you....
It at least seems to be running well, so I'm going to keep running it for a while and see what it averages out to. I really like the new interface which beats having 3 console windows up all the time and being able to fold while in CrossFire and only 1 monitor is great.

One thing I did notice is that it automatically sets smp 8 on an i7, while it was previously recommended to use smp 7. Is this correct?
Updated to 7.1.24 and it seems to be working well, got 16K today as of 6:00PM with 2 5870's and i7, computer overheated and was locked for maybe an hour earlier but I reset it (stupid dorm rooms have pathetic air conditioning and my computer puts out huge heat).
Yours puts out that much heat calc ? good lord, when I followed patons advice using smp 8, my core i3 540 got a work unit for nearly 9,000ppd problem was it wanted it done in 6 days. :(
Next one I got by accident said 16,000pd in 11 days... wtf ??
I am not going to risk destroying my cpu and until my new heatsink fan gets here on thursday night.
My maximum temp my computer can handle is 78c, even without smp8 and I am doing smp4 on 85% cpu usage it will stay at 52c-55c.
On no loads with F@H it's stay in 38c to 42c.
I will however let my 2 gt 430's fold during the day as they don't stir up much heat and each F@H 15 core uses 2-5% cpu usage.
How can you do smp 8 on a 2 core cpu? I would like the log on those, as if true... thats a bug for sure.

Apparently not, as soon as this a3 wu is done at 1:00pm I'll give you my next wu update at 4pm.
For now this is what my core i3 540 is doing for now on 2 cores and and 6 threads.
The only reason why I had F@H client stop the 9,000ppd work unit, because my computer will overheat trying to work on that for 7 days with no proper cooling.
*********************** Log Started 12/Apr/2011-04:48:21 ***********************
04:48:21:************************* Folding@home Client *************************
04:48:21:      Website: http://folding.stanford.edu/
04:48:21:    Copyright: (c) 2009,2010 Stanford University
04:48:21:       Author: Joseph Coffland <joseph@cauldrondevelopment.com>
04:48:21:         Args: --lifeline 4988
04:48:21:       Config: C:/Users/MikeXP/AppData/Roaming/FAHClient/config.xml
04:48:21:******************************** Build ********************************
04:48:21:      Version: 7.1.21
04:48:21:         Date: Mar 23 2011
04:48:21:         Time: 16:13:46
04:48:21:      SVN Rev: 2883
04:48:21:       Branch: fah/trunk/client
04:48:21:     Compiler: Intel(R) C++ MSVC 1500 mode 1110
04:48:21:      Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /wd4297 /wd4103 /wd1786 /Ox -arch:SSE2
04:48:21:               /QaxSSE3,SSSE3,SSE4.1,SSE4.2 /Qrestrict /MT
04:48:21:     Platform: win32 Vista
04:48:21:         Bits: 32
04:48:21:         Mode: Release
04:48:21:******************************* System ********************************
04:48:21:           OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
04:48:21:          CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU 540 @ 3.07GHz
04:48:21:       CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 2
04:48:21:         CPUs: 4
04:48:21:       Memory: 4.93GiB
04:48:21:  Free Memory: 3.17GiB
04:48:21:      Threads: WINDOWS_THREADS
04:48:21:         GPUs: 2
04:48:21:        GPU 0: FERMI:1 GF108 [GeForce GT 430]
04:48:21:        GPU 1: FERMI:1 GF108 [GeForce GT 430]
04:48:21:         CUDA: 2.1
04:48:21:  CUDA Driver: 3020
04:48:21:   On Battery: false
04:48:21:   UTC offset: -4
04:48:21:          PID: 5896
04:48:21:          CWD: C:/Users/MikeXP/AppData/Roaming/FAHClient
04:48:21:Win32 Service: false
04:48:21:  <service-description v='Folding@home Client'/>
04:48:21:  <service-restart v='true'/>
04:48:21:  <service-restart-delay v='5000'/>
04:48:21:  <!-- Client Control -->
04:48:21:  <cycle-rate v='4'/>
04:48:21:  <cycles v='-1'/>
04:48:21:  <data-directory v='.'/>
04:48:21:  <exec-directory v='C:\Program Files (x86)\FAHClient'/>
04:48:21:  <exit-when-done v='false'/>
04:48:21:  <max-delay v='21600'/>
04:48:21:  <min-delay v='60'/>
04:48:21:  <threads v='4'/>
04:48:21:  <!-- Configuration -->
04:48:21:  <config-rotate v='true'/>
04:48:21:  <config-rotate-dir v='configs'/>
04:48:21:  <config-rotate-max v='16'/>
04:48:21:  <!-- Debugging -->
04:48:21:  <assignment-servers>
04:48:21:    assign3.stanford.edu:8080 assign4.stanford.edu:80
04:48:21:  </assignment-servers>
04:48:21:  <capture-directory v='capture'/>
04:48:21:  <capture-sockets v='false'/>
04:48:21:  <debug-sockets v='false'/>
04:48:21:  <exception-locations v='true'/>
04:48:21:  <gpu-assignment-servers>
04:48:21:    assign-GPU.stanford.edu:80 assign-GPU.stanford.edu:8080
04:48:21:  </gpu-assignment-servers>
04:48:21:  <stack-traces v='false'/>
04:48:21:  <!-- Error Handling -->
04:48:21:  <max-slot-errors v='5'/>
04:48:21:  <max-unit-errors v='5'/>
04:48:21:  <!-- FahCore Control -->
04:48:21:  <checkpoint v='15'/>
04:48:21:  <core-dir v='cores'/>
04:48:21:  <core-priority v='low'/>
04:48:21:  <cpu-affinity v='true'/>
04:48:21:  <cpu-usage v='89'/>
04:48:21:  <no-assembly v='false'/>
04:48:21:  <!-- Folding Slot Configuration -->
04:48:21:  <client-subtype v='STDCLI'/>
04:48:21:  <client-type v='normal'/>
04:48:21:  <cpu-species v='X86_PENTIUM_II'/>
04:48:21:  <cpu-type v='X86'/>
04:48:21:  <cpus v='4'/>
04:48:21:  <gpu v='true'/>
04:48:21:  <gpu-id v='0'/>
04:48:21:  <max-packet-size v='normal'/>
04:48:21:  <os-species v='UNKNOWN'/>
04:48:21:  <os-type v='WIN32'/>
04:48:21:  <project-key v='0'/>
04:48:21:  <smp v='true'/>
04:48:21:  <!-- Logging -->
04:48:21:  <log v='log.txt'/>
04:48:21:  <log-color v='false'/>
04:48:21:  <log-crlf v='true'/>
04:48:21:  <log-date v='false'/>
04:48:21:  <log-debug v='true'/>
04:48:21:  <log-domain v='false'/>
04:48:21:  <log-header v='true'/>
04:48:21:  <log-level v='true'/>
04:48:21:  <log-no-info-header v='true'/>
04:48:21:  <log-redirect v='false'/>
04:48:21:  <log-rotate v='true'/>
04:48:21:  <log-rotate-dir v='logs'/>
04:48:21:  <log-rotate-max v='16'/>
04:48:21:  <log-short-level v='false'/>
04:48:21:  <log-simple-domains v='true'/>
04:48:21:  <log-thread-id v='false'/>
04:48:21:  <log-time v='true'/>
04:48:21:  <log-to-screen v='true'/>
04:48:21:  <log-truncate v='false'/>
04:48:21:  <verbosity v='5'/>
04:48:21:  <!-- Process Control -->
04:48:21:  <child v='false'/>
04:48:21:  <daemon v='false'/>
04:48:21:  <pid v='false'/>
04:48:21:  <pid-file v='Folding@home Client.pid'/>
04:48:21:  <respawn v='false'/>
04:48:21:  <service v='false'/>
04:48:21:  <!-- Remote Command Server -->
04:48:21:  <command-address v=''/>
04:48:21:  <command-allow v=''/>
04:48:21:  <command-allow-no-pass v=''/>
04:48:21:  <command-deny v=''/>
04:48:21:  <command-deny-no-pass v=''/>
04:48:21:  <command-port v='36330'/>
04:48:21:  <password v=''/>
04:48:21:  <!-- Slot Control -->
04:48:21:  <max-shutdown-wait v='60'/>
04:48:21:  <pause-on-battery v='false'/>
04:48:21:  <pause-on-start v='false'/>
04:48:21:  <!-- User Information -->
04:48:21:  <machine-id v='0'/>
04:48:21:  <passkey v='********************************'/>
04:48:21:  <team v='12864'/>
04:48:21:  <user v='MikeFuryXP'/>
04:48:21:  <!-- Work Unit Control -->
04:48:21:  <dump-after-deadline v='true'/>
04:48:21:  <max-queue v='16'/>
04:48:21:  <max-units v='0'/>
04:48:21:  <next-unit-percentage v='99'/>
04:48:21:  <!-- Folding Slots -->
04:48:21:  <slot id='0' type='GPU'/>
04:48:21:  <slot id='1' type='GPU'/>
04:48:21:  <slot id='2' type='SMP'>
04:48:21:    <client-type v='bigadv'/>
04:48:21:    <cpus v='8'/>
04:48:21:    <max-packet-size v='big'/>
04:48:21:  </slot>
04:48:26:Enabled folding slot 00: READY gpu:0:"GF108 [GeForce GT 430]"
04:48:26:Enabled folding slot 01: READY gpu:1:"GF108 [GeForce GT 430]"
04:48:26:Enabled folding slot 02: READY smp:8
04:48:28:Started thread 1 on PID 5896
04:48:28:Started thread 4 on PID 5896
04:48:28:Started thread 6 on PID 5896
04:48:28:Started thread 5 on PID 5896
04:48:28:Started thread 3 on PID 5896
04:48:29:Starting Unit 01
04:48:29:Running core: C:/Users/MikeXP/AppData/Roaming/FAHClient/cores/www.stanford.edu/~pande/Win32/x86/Core_a3.fah/FahCore_a3.exe -dir 01 -suffix 01 -lifeline 5896 -version 701 -checkpoint 15 -cpu 89 -np 8
04:48:29:Started core on PID 168
04:48:29:FahCore 0xa3 started
04:48:29:Started thread 7 on PID 5896
04:48:30:Server connection id=1 on from
04:48:30:Started thread 8 on PID 5896
04:48:30:Starting Unit 02
04:48:30:Running core: C:/Users/MikeXP/AppData/Roaming/FAHClient/cores/www.stanford.edu/~pande/Win32/x86/NVIDIA/Fermi/Core_15.fah/FahCore_15.exe -dir 02 -suffix 01 -lifeline 5896 -version 701 -checkpoint 15 -cpu 89 -gpu 1
04:48:30:Unit 01:
04:48:30:Unit 01:*------------------------------*
04:48:30:Unit 01:Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
04:48:30:Unit 01:Version 2.27 (Dec. 15, 2010)
04:48:30:Unit 01:
04:48:30:Unit 01:Preparing to commence simulation
04:48:30:Unit 01:- Ensuring status. Please wait.
04:48:32:Started core on PID 4848
04:48:32:FahCore 0x15 started
04:48:32:Started thread 9 on PID 5896
04:48:33:Starting Unit 00
04:48:33:Running core: C:/Users/MikeXP/AppData/Roaming/FAHClient/cores/www.stanford.edu/~pande/Win32/x86/NVIDIA/Fermi/Core_15.fah/FahCore_15.exe -dir 00 -suffix 01 -lifeline 5896 -version 701 -checkpoint 15 -cpu 89 -gpu 0
04:48:33:Started core on PID 5108
04:48:33:FahCore 0x15 started
04:48:33:Started thread 10 on PID 5896
04:48:34:Unit 00:
04:48:34:Unit 00:*------------------------------*
04:48:34:Unit 00:Folding@Home GPU Core
04:48:34:Unit 00:Version 2.15 (Tue Nov 16 09:05:18 PST 2010)
04:48:34:Unit 00:
04:48:34:Unit 00:Build host: SimbiosNvdWin7
04:48:34:Unit 00:Board Type: NVIDIA/CUDA
04:48:34:Unit 02:
04:48:34:Unit 00:Core      : x=15
04:48:34:Unit 02:*------------------------------*
04:48:34:Unit 00: Window's signal control handler registered.
04:48:34:Unit 02:Folding@Home GPU Core
04:48:34:Unit 00:Preparing to commence simulation
04:48:34:Unit 02:Version 2.15 (Tue Nov 16 09:05:18 PST 2010)
04:48:34:Unit 00:- Ensuring status. Please wait.
04:48:34:Unit 02:
04:48:34:Unit 02:Build host: SimbiosNvdWin7
04:48:34:Unit 02:Board Type: NVIDIA/CUDA
04:48:34:Unit 02:Core      : x=15
04:48:34:Unit 02: Window's signal control handler registered.
04:48:34:Unit 02:Preparing to commence simulation
04:48:34:Unit 02:- Ensuring status. Please wait.
04:48:40:Unit 01:- Looking at optimizations...
04:48:40:Unit 01:- Working with standard loops on this execution.
04:48:40:Unit 01:- Previous termination of core was improper.
04:48:40:Unit 01:- Going to use standard loops.
04:48:40:Unit 01:- Files status OK
04:48:40:Unit 01:- Expanded 1771848 -> 1966764 (decompressed 111.0 percent)
04:48:40:Unit 01:Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=1771848 data_size=1966764, decompressed_data_size=1966764 diff=0
04:48:40:Unit 01:- Digital signature verified
04:48:40:Unit 01:
04:48:40:Unit 01:Project: 7140 (Run 0, Clone 24, Gen 43)
04:48:40:Unit 01:
04:48:40:Unit 01:Entering M.D.
04:48:43:Unit 00:- Looking at optimizations...
04:48:43:Unit 00:- Working with standard loops on this execution.
04:48:43:Unit 00:- Previous termination of core was improper.
04:48:43:Unit 00:- Going to use standard loops.
04:48:43:Unit 00:- Files status OK
04:48:43:Unit 02:- Looking at optimizations...
04:48:43:Unit 00:sizeof(CORE_PACKET_HDR) = 512 file=<>
04:48:43:Unit 02:- Working with standard loops on this execution.
04:48:43:Unit 00:- Expanded 41429 -> 162639 (decompressed 392.5 percent)
04:48:43:Unit 02:- Previous termination of core was improper.
04:48:43:Unit 00:Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=41429 data_size=162639, decompressed_data_size=162639 diff=0
04:48:43:Unit 02:- Going to use standard loops.
04:48:43:Unit 00:- Digital signature verified
04:48:43:Unit 02:- Files status OK
04:48:43:Unit 00:
04:48:43:Unit 02:sizeof(CORE_PACKET_HDR) = 512 file=<>
04:48:43:Unit 00:Project: 6805 (Run 7067, Clone 0, Gen 6)
04:48:43:Unit 02:- Expanded 43973 -> 172159 (decompressed 391.5 percent)
04:48:43:Unit 00:
04:48:43:Unit 02:Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=43973 data_size=172159, decompressed_data_size=172159 diff=0
04:48:43:Unit 02:- Digital signature verified
04:48:43:Unit 02:
04:48:43:Unit 02:Project: 6806 (Run 7999, Clone 1, Gen 8)
04:48:43:Unit 02:
04:48:43:Unit 02:Entering M.D.
04:48:44:Unit 00:Entering M.D.
04:48:46:Unit 02:Will resume from checkpoint file 02/wudata_01.ckp
04:48:46:Unit 02:Tpr hash 02/wudata_01.tpr:  4230298236 1831730405 97127045 2323085200 1190328952
04:48:46:Unit 00:Will resume from checkpoint file 00/wudata_01.ckp
04:48:46:Unit 00:Tpr hash 00/wudata_01.tpr:  326695000 599379889 3802578764 1377614509 2468576708
04:48:47:Unit 01:Using Gromacs checkpoints
04:48:47:Unit 01:Mapping NT from 8 to 8 
04:48:47:Unit 00:Working on ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE AMYLOID
04:48:47:Unit 00:Client config unavailable.
04:48:47:Unit 02:Working on 2 PEPTIDE (1-42)
04:48:47:Unit 02:Client config unavailable.
04:48:47:Unit 00:Starting GUI Server
04:48:47:Unit 02:Starting GUI Server
04:48:53:Unit 01:Resuming from checkpoint
04:48:53:Unit 01:Verified 01/wudata_01.log
04:48:53:Unit 01:Verified 01/wudata_01.trr
04:48:53:Unit 01:Verified 01/wudata_01.edr
04:48:53:Unit 01:Completed 267458 out of 500000 steps  (53%)
04:48:56:Unit 00:Resuming from checkpoint
04:48:56:Unit 02:Resuming from checkpoint
04:48:56:Unit 00:fcCheckPointResume: retreived and current tpr file hash:
04:48:56:Unit 02:fcCheckPointResume: retreived and current tpr file hash:
04:48:56:Unit 00:   0    326695000    326695000
04:48:56:Unit 02:   0   4230298236   4230298236
04:48:56:Unit 00:   1    599379889    599379889
04:48:56:Unit 02:   1   1831730405   1831730405
04:48:56:Unit 00:   2   3802578764   3802578764
04:48:56:Unit 02:   2     97127045     97127045
04:48:56:Unit 00:   3   1377614509   1377614509
04:48:56:Unit 02:   3   2323085200   2323085200
04:48:56:Unit 00:   4   2468576708   2468576708
04:48:56:Unit 02:   4   1190328952   1190328952
04:48:56:Unit 00:fcCheckPointResume: file hashes same.
04:48:56:Unit 02:fcCheckPointResume: file hashes same.
04:48:56:Unit 00:fcCheckPointResume: state restored.
04:48:56:Unit 02:fcCheckPointResume: state restored.
04:48:56:Unit 00:fcCheckPointResume: name 00/wudata_01.log Verified 00/wudata_01.log
04:48:56:Unit 02:fcCheckPointResume: name 02/wudata_01.log Verified 02/wudata_01.log
04:48:56:Unit 02:fcCheckPointResume: name 02/wudata_01.trr Verified 02/wudata_01.trr
04:48:57:Unit 00:fcCheckPointResume: name 00/wudata_01.trr Verified 00/wudata_01.trr
04:48:57:Unit 02:fcCheckPointResume: name 02/wudata_01.xtc Verified 02/wudata_01.xtc
04:48:57:Unit 02:fcCheckPointResume: name 02/wudata_01.edr Verified 02/wudata_01.edr
04:48:57:Unit 02:fcCheckPointResume: state restored 2
04:48:57:Unit 02:Resumed from checkpoint
04:48:57:Unit 02:Setting checkpoint frequency: 500000
04:48:57:Unit 02:Completed  13000001 out of 50000000 steps (26%).
04:48:58:Unit 00:fcCheckPointResume: name 00/wudata_01.xtc Verified 00/wudata_01.xtc
04:48:58:Unit 00:fcCheckPointResume: name 00/wudata_01.edr Verified 00/wudata_01.edr
04:48:58:Unit 00:fcCheckPointResume: state restored 2
04:48:58:Unit 00:Resumed from checkpoint
04:48:58:Unit 00:Setting checkpoint frequency: 500000
04:48:58:Unit 00:Completed  43000001 out of 50000000 steps (86%).
04:54:13:Unit 02:Completed  13500000 out of 50000000 steps (27%).
04:56:35:Unit 01:Completed 270000 out of 500000 steps  (54%)
04:57:47:Unit 00:Completed  43499999 out of 50000000 steps (87%).
04:58:02:Slot 02 paused
04:58:02:Slot 02: shutting core down
04:58:02:WARNING: FahCore is known to not shutdown cleanly, killing
04:58:02:WARNING: Killing Unit 01
04:58:02:FahCore running Unit 01 exited
04:59:29:Unit 02:Completed  14000000 out of 50000000 steps (28%).
05:02:30:Unit 00:Completed  43999999 out of 50000000 steps (88%).
05:04:43:Unit 02:Completed  14500000 out of 50000000 steps (29%).
05:07:14:Unit 00:Completed  44499999 out of 50000000 steps (89%).
05:07:29:Slot 02 unpaused
05:07:29:Starting Unit 01
05:07:29:Running core: C:/Users/MikeXP/AppData/Roaming/FAHClient/cores/www.stanford.edu/~pande/Win32/x86/Core_a3.fah/FahCore_a3.exe -dir 01 -suffix 01 -lifeline 5896 -version 701 -checkpoint 15 -cpu 89 -np 8
05:07:29:Started core on PID 5776
05:07:29:FahCore 0xa3 started
05:07:29:Started thread 11 on PID 5896
05:07:29:Unit 01:
05:07:29:Unit 01:*------------------------------*
05:07:30:Unit 01:Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
05:07:30:Unit 01:Version 2.27 (Dec. 15, 2010)
05:07:30:Unit 01:
05:07:30:Unit 01:Preparing to commence simulation
05:07:30:Unit 01:- Ensuring status. Please wait.
05:07:39:Unit 01:- Looking at optimizations...
05:07:39:Unit 01:- Working with standard loops on this execution.
05:07:39:Unit 01:Examination of work files indicates 8 consecutive improper terminations of core.
05:07:39:Unit 01:- Expanded 1771848 -> 1966764 (decompressed 111.0 percent)
05:07:39:Unit 01:Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=1771848 data_size=1966764, decompressed_data_size=1966764 diff=0
05:07:39:Unit 01:- Digital signature verified
05:07:39:Unit 01:
05:07:39:Unit 01:Project: 7140 (Run 0, Clone 24, Gen 43)
05:07:39:Unit 01:
05:07:39:Unit 01:Entering M.D.
05:07:45:Unit 01:Using Gromacs checkpoints
05:07:45:Unit 01:Mapping NT from 8 to 8 
05:07:46:Unit 01:Resuming from checkpoint
05:07:46:Unit 01:Verified 01/wudata_01.log
05:07:46:Unit 01:Verified 01/wudata_01.trr
05:07:46:Unit 01:Verified 01/wudata_01.edr
05:07:46:Unit 01:Completed 267458 out of 500000 steps  (53%)
05:10:00:Unit 02:Completed  15000000 out of 50000000 steps (30%).
05:11:56:Unit 00:Completed  44999999 out of 50000000 steps (90%).
05:15:22:Unit 01:Completed 270000 out of 500000 steps  (54%)
05:15:27:Unit 02:Completed  15500000 out of 50000000 steps (31%).
05:16:41:Unit 00:Completed  45499999 out of 50000000 steps (91%).
05:20:43:Unit 02:Completed  16000000 out of 50000000 steps (32%).
05:21:26:Unit 00:Completed  45999999 out of 50000000 steps (92%).
05:25:58:Unit 02:Completed  16500000 out of 50000000 steps (33%).
05:26:05:Unit 00:Completed  46499999 out of 50000000 steps (93%).
05:30:45:Unit 01:Completed 275000 out of 500000 steps  (55%)
05:30:45:Unit 00:Completed  46999999 out of 50000000 steps (94%).
05:31:13:Unit 02:Completed  17000000 out of 50000000 steps (34%).
05:35:25:Unit 00:Completed  47499999 out of 50000000 steps (95%).
05:36:28:Unit 02:Completed  17500000 out of 50000000 steps (35%).
05:40:06:Unit 00:Completed  47999999 out of 50000000 steps (96%).
05:41:43:Unit 02:Completed  18000000 out of 50000000 steps (36%).
05:44:46:Unit 00:Completed  48499999 out of 50000000 steps (97%).
05:46:58:Unit 02:Completed  18500000 out of 50000000 steps (37%).
05:47:11:Unit 01:Completed 280000 out of 500000 steps  (56%)
05:49:30:Unit 00:Completed  48999999 out of 50000000 steps (98%).
05:52:15:Unit 02:Completed  19000000 out of 50000000 steps (38%).
05:54:10:Unit 00:Completed  49499999 out of 50000000 steps (99%).
05:54:10:Connecting to assign-GPU.stanford.edu:80
05:54:10:News: Welcome to Folding@Home
05:54:10:Assigned to work server
05:54:10:Requesting new work unit for slot 00: RUNNING gpu:0:"GF108 [GeForce GT 430]" from
05:54:10:Connecting to
05:54:11:Slot 00: Downloading 43.40KiB
05:54:11:Slot 00: Download complete
05:54:11:Received Unit: id:03 state:DOWNLOAD project:6806 run:5239 clone:2 gen:8 core:0x15 unit:0x000000080a3b1e644d94c5b647c915ba
05:57:31:Unit 02:Completed  19500000 out of 50000000 steps (39%).
05:58:51:Unit 00:Completed  49999999 out of 50000000 steps (100%).
05:58:51:Unit 00:Finished fah_main
05:58:51:Unit 00:
05:58:51:Unit 00:Successful run
05:58:51:Unit 00:DynamicWrapper: Finished Work Unit: sleep=10000
05:59:01:Unit 00:Reserved 2333508 bytes for xtc file; Cosm status=0
05:59:01:Unit 00:Allocated 2333508 bytes for xtc file
05:59:01:Unit 00:- Reading up to 2333508 from "00/wudata_01.xtc": Read 2333508
05:59:01:Unit 00:Read 2333508 bytes from xtc file; available packet space=784096956
05:59:01:Unit 00:xtc file hash check passed.
05:59:01:Unit 00:Reserved 72360 72360 784096956 bytes for arc file=<00/wudata_01.trr> Cosm status=0
05:59:01:Unit 00:Allocated 72360 bytes for arc file
05:59:01:Unit 00:- Reading up to 72360 from "00/wudata_01.trr": Read 72360
05:59:01:Unit 00:Read 72360 bytes from arc file; available packet space=784024596
05:59:01:Unit 00:trr file hash check passed.
05:59:01:Unit 00:Allocated 544 bytes for edr file
05:59:01:Unit 00:Read bedfile
05:59:01:Unit 00:edr file hash check passed.
05:59:01:Unit 00:Allocated 120736 bytes for logfile
05:59:01:Unit 00:Read logfile
05:59:01:Unit 00:GuardedRun: success in DynamicWrapper
05:59:01:Unit 00:GuardedRun: done
05:59:01:Unit 00:Run: GuardedRun completed.
05:59:01:Unit 00:+ Opened results file
05:59:01:Unit 00:- Writing 2527660 bytes of core data to disk...
05:59:02:Unit 00:Done: 2527148 -> 2367941 (compressed to 93.7 percent)
05:59:02:Unit 00:  ... Done.
05:59:02:Unit 00:DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=00/wudata_01.ckp
05:59:03:Unit 00:Shutting down core 
05:59:03:Unit 00:
05:59:03:Unit 00:Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
05:59:03:FahCore running Unit 00 returned: FINISHED_UNIT (100)
05:59:04:Sending unit results: id:00 state:SEND project:6805 run:7067 clone:0 gen:6 core:0x15 unit:0x000000060a3b1e644d8d335db77c080e
05:59:04:Unit 00: Uploading 2.26MiB
05:59:04:Starting Unit 03
05:59:04:Connecting to
05:59:04:Running core: C:/Users/MikeXP/AppData/Roaming/FAHClient/cores/www.stanford.edu/~pande/Win32/x86/NVIDIA/Fermi/Core_15.fah/FahCore_15.exe -dir 03 -suffix 01 -lifeline 5896 -version 701 -checkpoint 15 -cpu 89 -gpu 0
05:59:04:Started core on PID 6644
05:59:04:FahCore 0x15 started
05:59:04:Started thread 12 on PID 5896
05:59:04:Unit 03:
05:59:04:Unit 03:*------------------------------*
05:59:04:Unit 03:Folding@Home GPU Core
05:59:04:Unit 03:Version 2.15 (Tue Nov 16 09:05:18 PST 2010)
05:59:04:Unit 03:
05:59:04:Unit 03:Build host: SimbiosNvdWin7
05:59:04:Unit 03:Board Type: NVIDIA/CUDA
05:59:04:Unit 03:Core      : x=15
05:59:04:Unit 03: Window's signal control handler registered.
05:59:04:Unit 03:Preparing to commence simulation
05:59:04:Unit 03:- Looking at optimizations...
05:59:04:Unit 03:DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=03/wudata_01.ckp
05:59:04:Unit 03:- Created dyn
05:59:04:Unit 03:- Files status OK
05:59:04:Unit 03:sizeof(CORE_PACKET_HDR) = 512 file=<>
05:59:04:Unit 03:- Expanded 43930 -> 172159 (decompressed 391.8 percent)
05:59:04:Unit 03:Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=43930 data_size=172159, decompressed_data_size=172159 diff=0
05:59:04:Unit 03:- Digital signature verified
05:59:04:Unit 03:
05:59:04:Unit 03:Project: 6806 (Run 5239, Clone 2, Gen 8)
05:59:04:Unit 03:
05:59:04:Unit 03:Assembly optimizations on if available.
05:59:04:Unit 03:Entering M.D.
05:59:06:Unit 03:Tpr hash 03/wudata_01.tpr:  2178975094 475694755 2015919762 2054414339 1110825235
05:59:06:Unit 03:Working on 2 PEPTIDE (1-42)
05:59:06:Unit 03:Client config unavailable.
05:59:06:Unit 03:Starting GUI Server
05:59:06:Unit 03:Setting checkpoint frequency: 500000
05:59:06:Unit 03:Setting checkpoint frequency: 500000
05:59:10:Unit 00: 18.33%
05:59:16:Unit 00: 37.36%
05:59:22:Unit 00: 56.72%
05:59:28:Unit 00: 76.44%
05:59:34:Unit 00: 95.81%
05:59:36:Unit 00: Upload complete
05:59:36:Server responded WORK_ACK (400)
05:59:36:Final credit estimate, 1280.00 points
05:59:36:Cleaning up Unit 00
06:02:46:Unit 02:Completed  20000000 out of 50000000 steps (40%).
06:03:27:Unit 01:Completed 285000 out of 500000 steps  (57%)
06:04:19:Unit 03:Completed    500000 out of 50000000 steps (1%).
06:08:01:Unit 02:Completed  20500000 out of 50000000 steps (41%).
06:09:33:Unit 03:Completed   1000000 out of 50000000 steps (2%).
06:13:15:Unit 02:Completed  21000000 out of 50000000 steps (42%).
06:14:46:Unit 03:Completed   1500000 out of 50000000 steps (3%).
06:17:51:Unit 01:Completed 290000 out of 500000 steps  (58%)
06:18:30:Unit 02:Completed  21500000 out of 50000000 steps (43%).
06:19:59:Unit 03:Completed   2000000 out of 50000000 steps (4%).
06:23:45:Unit 02:Completed  22000000 out of 50000000 steps (44%).
06:25:11:Unit 03:Completed   2500000 out of 50000000 steps (5%).
06:28:59:Unit 02:Completed  22500000 out of 50000000 steps (45%).
06:30:25:Unit 03:Completed   3000000 out of 50000000 steps (6%).
06:32:52:Unit 01:Completed 295000 out of 500000 steps  (59%)
06:34:14:Unit 02:Completed  23000000 out of 50000000 steps (46%).
06:35:38:Unit 03:Completed   3500000 out of 50000000 steps (7%).
06:39:29:Unit 02:Completed  23500000 out of 50000000 steps (47%).
06:40:52:Unit 03:Completed   4000000 out of 50000000 steps (8%).
06:44:43:Unit 02:Completed  24000000 out of 50000000 steps (48%).
06:46:05:Unit 03:Completed   4500000 out of 50000000 steps (9%).
06:47:16:Unit 01:Completed 300000 out of 500000 steps  (60%)
06:49:58:Unit 02:Completed  24500000 out of 50000000 steps (49%).
06:51:19:Unit 03:Completed   5000000 out of 50000000 steps (10%).
06:55:13:Unit 02:Completed  25000000 out of 50000000 steps (50%).
06:56:32:Unit 03:Completed   5500000 out of 50000000 steps (11%).
07:00:28:Unit 02:Completed  25500000 out of 50000000 steps (51%).
07:01:18:Unit 01:Completed 305000 out of 500000 steps  (61%)
07:01:45:Unit 03:Completed   6000000 out of 50000000 steps (12%).
07:05:42:Unit 02:Completed  26000000 out of 50000000 steps (52%).
07:06:58:Unit 03:Completed   6500000 out of 50000000 steps (13%).
07:10:57:Unit 02:Completed  26500000 out of 50000000 steps (53%).
07:12:13:Unit 03:Completed   7000000 out of 50000000 steps (14%).
07:15:12:Unit 01:Completed 310000 out of 500000 steps  (62%)
07:16:12:Unit 02:Completed  27000000 out of 50000000 steps (54%).
07:17:25:Unit 03:Completed   7500000 out of 50000000 steps (15%).
07:21:26:Unit 02:Completed  27500000 out of 50000000 steps (55%).
07:22:39:Unit 03:Completed   8000000 out of 50000000 steps (16%).
07:26:41:Unit 02:Completed  28000000 out of 50000000 steps (56%).
07:27:51:Unit 03:Completed   8500000 out of 50000000 steps (17%).
07:29:29:Unit 01:Completed 315000 out of 500000 steps  (63%)
07:31:55:Unit 02:Completed  28500000 out of 50000000 steps (57%).
07:33:05:Unit 03:Completed   9000000 out of 50000000 steps (18%).
07:37:10:Unit 02:Completed  29000000 out of 50000000 steps (58%).
07:38:18:Unit 03:Completed   9500000 out of 50000000 steps (19%).
07:42:25:Unit 02:Completed  29500000 out of 50000000 steps (59%).
07:43:32:Unit 03:Completed  10000000 out of 50000000 steps (20%).
07:43:54:Unit 01:Completed 320000 out of 500000 steps  (64%)
07:47:39:Unit 02:Completed  30000000 out of 50000000 steps (60%).
07:48:46:Unit 03:Completed  10500000 out of 50000000 steps (21%).
07:52:54:Unit 02:Completed  30500000 out of 50000000 steps (61%).
07:53:58:Unit 03:Completed  11000000 out of 50000000 steps (22%).
07:58:09:Unit 02:Completed  31000000 out of 50000000 steps (62%).
07:58:17:Unit 01:Completed 325000 out of 500000 steps  (65%)
07:59:12:Unit 03:Completed  11500000 out of 50000000 steps (23%).
08:03:23:Unit 02:Completed  31500000 out of 50000000 steps (63%).
08:04:24:Unit 03:Completed  12000000 out of 50000000 steps (24%).
08:08:38:Unit 02:Completed  32000000 out of 50000000 steps (64%).
08:09:38:Unit 03:Completed  12500000 out of 50000000 steps (25%).
08:12:38:Unit 01:Completed 330000 out of 500000 steps  (66%)
08:13:53:Unit 02:Completed  32499999 out of 50000000 steps (65%).
08:14:51:Unit 03:Completed  13000000 out of 50000000 steps (26%).
08:19:07:Unit 02:Completed  32999999 out of 50000000 steps (66%).
08:20:04:Unit 03:Completed  13500000 out of 50000000 steps (27%).
08:24:22:Unit 02:Completed  33499999 out of 50000000 steps (67%).
08:25:17:Unit 03:Completed  14000000 out of 50000000 steps (28%).
08:26:56:Unit 01:Completed 335000 out of 500000 steps  (67%)
08:29:36:Unit 02:Completed  33999999 out of 50000000 steps (68%).
08:30:30:Unit 03:Completed  14500000 out of 50000000 steps (29%).
08:34:51:Unit 02:Completed  34499999 out of 50000000 steps (69%).
08:35:43:Unit 03:Completed  15000000 out of 50000000 steps (30%).
08:40:06:Unit 02:Completed  34999999 out of 50000000 steps (70%).
08:40:57:Unit 03:Completed  15500000 out of 50000000 steps (31%).
08:41:27:Unit 01:Completed 340000 out of 500000 steps  (68%)
08:45:21:Unit 02:Completed  35499999 out of 50000000 steps (71%).
08:46:10:Unit 03:Completed  16000000 out of 50000000 steps (32%).
08:50:35:Unit 02:Completed  35999999 out of 50000000 steps (72%).
08:51:23:Unit 03:Completed  16500000 out of 50000000 steps (33%).
08:55:50:Unit 02:Completed  36499999 out of 50000000 steps (73%).
08:56:00:Unit 01:Completed 345000 out of 500000 steps  (69%)
08:56:36:Unit 03:Completed  17000000 out of 50000000 steps (34%).
09:01:04:Unit 02:Completed  36999999 out of 50000000 steps (74%).
09:01:49:Unit 03:Completed  17500000 out of 50000000 steps (35%).
09:06:19:Unit 02:Completed  37499999 out of 50000000 steps (75%).
09:07:02:Unit 03:Completed  18000000 out of 50000000 steps (36%).
09:11:00:Unit 01:Completed 350000 out of 500000 steps  (70%)
09:11:34:Unit 02:Completed  37999999 out of 50000000 steps (76%).
09:12:16:Unit 03:Completed  18500000 out of 50000000 steps (37%).
09:16:48:Unit 02:Completed  38499999 out of 50000000 steps (77%).
09:17:29:Unit 03:Completed  19000000 out of 50000000 steps (38%).
09:22:03:Unit 02:Completed  38999999 out of 50000000 steps (78%).
09:22:42:Unit 03:Completed  19500000 out of 50000000 steps (39%).
09:26:06:Unit 01:Completed 355000 out of 500000 steps  (71%)
09:27:17:Unit 02:Completed  39499999 out of 50000000 steps (79%).
09:27:55:Unit 03:Completed  20000000 out of 50000000 steps (40%).
09:32:32:Unit 02:Completed  39999999 out of 50000000 steps (80%).
09:33:08:Unit 03:Completed  20500000 out of 50000000 steps (41%).
09:37:47:Unit 02:Completed  40499999 out of 50000000 steps (81%).
09:38:21:Unit 03:Completed  21000000 out of 50000000 steps (42%).
09:40:40:Unit 01:Completed 360000 out of 500000 steps  (72%)
09:43:02:Unit 02:Completed  40999999 out of 50000000 steps (82%).
09:43:35:Unit 03:Completed  21500000 out of 50000000 steps (43%).
09:48:16:Unit 02:Completed  41499999 out of 50000000 steps (83%).
09:48:49:Unit 03:Completed  22000000 out of 50000000 steps (44%).
09:53:31:Unit 02:Completed  41999999 out of 50000000 steps (84%).
09:54:01:Unit 03:Completed  22500000 out of 50000000 steps (45%).
09:54:59:Unit 01:Completed 365000 out of 500000 steps  (73%)
09:58:45:Unit 02:Completed  42499999 out of 50000000 steps (85%).
09:59:15:Unit 03:Completed  23000000 out of 50000000 steps (46%).
10:04:00:Unit 02:Completed  42999999 out of 50000000 steps (86%).
10:04:28:Unit 03:Completed  23500000 out of 50000000 steps (47%).
10:09:15:Unit 02:Completed  43499999 out of 50000000 steps (87%).
10:09:28:Unit 01:Completed 370000 out of 500000 steps  (74%)
10:09:41:Unit 03:Completed  24000000 out of 50000000 steps (48%).
10:14:29:Unit 02:Completed  43999999 out of 50000000 steps (88%).
10:14:54:Unit 03:Completed  24500000 out of 50000000 steps (49%).
10:19:44:Unit 02:Completed  44499999 out of 50000000 steps (89%).
10:20:08:Unit 03:Completed  25000000 out of 50000000 steps (50%).
10:23:47:Unit 01:Completed 375000 out of 500000 steps  (75%)
10:24:59:Unit 02:Completed  44999999 out of 50000000 steps (90%).
10:25:20:Unit 03:Completed  25500000 out of 50000000 steps (51%).
10:30:14:Unit 02:Completed  45499999 out of 50000000 steps (91%).
10:30:34:Unit 03:Completed  26000000 out of 50000000 steps (52%).
10:35:30:Unit 02:Completed  45999999 out of 50000000 steps (92%).
10:35:47:Unit 03:Completed  26500000 out of 50000000 steps (53%).
10:38:14:Unit 01:Completed 380000 out of 500000 steps  (76%)
10:40:45:Unit 02:Completed  46499999 out of 50000000 steps (93%).
10:41:01:Unit 03:Completed  27000000 out of 50000000 steps (54%).
10:46:00:Unit 02:Completed  46999999 out of 50000000 steps (94%).
10:46:14:Unit 03:Completed  27500000 out of 50000000 steps (55%).
10:51:15:Unit 02:Completed  47499999 out of 50000000 steps (95%).
10:51:28:Unit 03:Completed  28000000 out of 50000000 steps (56%).
10:53:03:Unit 01:Completed 385000 out of 500000 steps  (77%)
10:56:30:Unit 02:Completed  47999999 out of 50000000 steps (96%).
10:56:40:Unit 03:Completed  28500000 out of 50000000 steps (57%).
11:01:46:Unit 02:Completed  48499999 out of 50000000 steps (97%).
11:01:53:Unit 03:Completed  29000000 out of 50000000 steps (58%).
11:07:01:Unit 02:Completed  48999999 out of 50000000 steps (98%).
11:07:06:Unit 03:Completed  29500000 out of 50000000 steps (59%).
11:07:26:Unit 01:Completed 390000 out of 500000 steps  (78%)
11:12:16:Unit 02:Completed  49499999 out of 50000000 steps (99%).
11:12:17:Connecting to assign-GPU.stanford.edu:80
11:12:20:Unit 03:Completed  30000000 out of 50000000 steps (60%).
11:12:47:News: Welcome to Folding@Home
11:12:47:Assigned to work server
11:12:47:Requesting new work unit for slot 01: RUNNING gpu:1:"GF108 [GeForce GT 430]" from
11:12:47:Connecting to
11:12:48:Slot 01: Downloading 41.07KiB
11:13:18:Slot 01: Download complete
11:13:18:Received Unit: id:00 state:DOWNLOAD project:6805 run:7990 clone:2 gen:6 core:0x15 unit:0x000000060a3b1e644d8d3573dad5eff4
11:17:32:Unit 02:Completed  49999999 out of 50000000 steps (100%).
11:17:32:Unit 02:Finished fah_main
11:17:32:Unit 02:
11:17:32:Unit 02:Successful run
11:17:32:Unit 02:DynamicWrapper: Finished Work Unit: sleep=10000
11:17:36:Unit 03:Completed  30500000 out of 50000000 steps (61%).
11:17:42:Unit 02:Reserved 2473440 bytes for xtc file; Cosm status=0
11:17:42:Unit 02:Allocated 2473440 bytes for xtc file
11:17:42:Unit 02:- Reading up to 2473440 from "02/wudata_01.xtc": Read 2473440
11:17:42:Unit 02:Read 2473440 bytes from xtc file; available packet space=783957024
11:17:43:Unit 02:xtc file hash check passed.
11:17:43:Unit 02:Reserved 76680 76680 783957024 bytes for arc file=<02/wudata_01.trr> Cosm status=0
11:17:43:Unit 02:Allocated 76680 bytes for arc file
11:17:43:Unit 02:- Reading up to 76680 from "02/wudata_01.trr": Read 76680
11:17:43:Unit 02:Read 76680 bytes from arc file; available packet space=783880344
11:17:43:Unit 02:trr file hash check passed.
11:17:43:Unit 02:Allocated 544 bytes for edr file
11:17:43:Unit 02:Read bedfile
11:17:43:Unit 02:edr file hash check passed.
11:17:43:Unit 02:Allocated 120314 bytes for logfile
11:17:43:Unit 02:Read logfile
11:17:43:Unit 02:GuardedRun: success in DynamicWrapper
11:17:43:Unit 02:GuardedRun: done
11:17:43:Unit 02:Run: GuardedRun completed.
11:17:43:Unit 02:+ Opened results file
11:17:43:Unit 02:- Writing 2671490 bytes of core data to disk...
11:17:44:Unit 02:Done: 2670978 -> 2513963 (compressed to 94.1 percent)
11:17:44:Unit 02:  ... Done.
11:17:44:Unit 02:DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=02/wudata_01.ckp
11:17:45:Unit 02:Shutting down core 
11:17:45:Unit 02:
11:17:45:Unit 02:Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
11:17:45:FahCore running Unit 02 returned: FINISHED_UNIT (100)
11:17:45:Sending unit results: id:02 state:SEND project:6806 run:7999 clone:1 gen:8 core:0x15 unit:0x000000080a3b1e644d94cb2c338dc6de
11:17:45:Unit 02: Uploading 2.40MiB
11:17:45:Starting Unit 00
11:17:45:Connecting to
11:17:45:Running core: C:/Users/MikeXP/AppData/Roaming/FAHClient/cores/www.stanford.edu/~pande/Win32/x86/NVIDIA/Fermi/Core_15.fah/FahCore_15.exe -dir 00 -suffix 01 -lifeline 5896 -version 701 -checkpoint 15 -cpu 89 -gpu 1
11:17:45:Started core on PID 6300
11:17:45:Started thread 13 on PID 5896
11:17:45:FahCore 0x15 started
11:17:46:Unit 00:
11:17:46:Unit 00:*------------------------------*
11:17:46:Unit 00:Folding@Home GPU Core
11:17:46:Unit 00:Version 2.15 (Tue Nov 16 09:05:18 PST 2010)
11:17:46:Unit 00:
11:17:46:Unit 00:Build host: SimbiosNvdWin7
11:17:46:Unit 00:Board Type: NVIDIA/CUDA
11:17:46:Unit 00:Core      : x=15
11:17:46:Unit 00: Window's signal control handler registered.
11:17:46:Unit 00:Preparing to commence simulation
11:17:46:Unit 00:- Looking at optimizations...
11:17:46:Unit 00:DeleteFrameFiles: successfully deleted file=00/wudata_01.ckp
11:17:46:Unit 00:- Created dyn
11:17:46:Unit 00:- Files status OK
11:17:46:Unit 00:sizeof(CORE_PACKET_HDR) = 512 file=<>
11:17:46:Unit 00:- Expanded 41541 -> 162639 (decompressed 391.5 percent)
11:17:46:Unit 00:Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=41541 data_size=162639, decompressed_data_size=162639 diff=0
11:17:46:Unit 00:- Digital signature verified
11:17:46:Unit 00:
11:17:46:Unit 00:Project: 6805 (Run 7990, Clone 2, Gen 6)
11:17:46:Unit 00:
11:17:46:Unit 00:Assembly optimizations on if available.
11:17:46:Unit 00:Entering M.D.
11:17:48:Unit 00:Tpr hash 00/wudata_01.tpr:  809418942 3595860749 2720173416 508245608 872949661
11:17:48:Unit 00:Working on ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE AMYLOID
11:17:48:Unit 00:Client config unavailable.
11:17:48:Unit 00:Starting GUI Server
11:17:48:Unit 00:Setting checkpoint frequency: 500000
11:17:48:Unit 00:Setting checkpoint frequency: 500000
11:17:51:Unit 02: 14.99%
11:17:57:Unit 02: 32.91%
11:18:03:Unit 02: 51.15%
11:18:09:Unit 02: 69.07%
11:18:15:Unit 02: 87.15%
11:18:20:Unit 02: Upload complete
11:18:20:Server responded WORK_ACK (400)
11:18:20:Final credit estimate, 1348.00 points
11:18:20:Cleaning up Unit 02
11:22:32:Unit 00:Completed    500000 out of 50000000 steps (1%).
11:22:53:Unit 03:Completed  31000000 out of 50000000 steps (62%).
11:22:55:Unit 01:Completed 395000 out of 500000 steps  (79%)
11:27:14:Unit 00:Completed   1000000 out of 50000000 steps (2%).
11:28:08:Unit 03:Completed  31500000 out of 50000000 steps (63%).
11:31:56:Unit 00:Completed   1500000 out of 50000000 steps (3%).
11:33:23:Unit 03:Completed  32000000 out of 50000000 steps (64%).
11:36:38:Unit 00:Completed   2000000 out of 50000000 steps (4%).
11:37:44:Unit 01:Completed 400000 out of 500000 steps  (80%)
11:38:38:Unit 03:Completed  32499999 out of 50000000 steps (65%).
11:41:18:Server connection id=2 on from
11:41:18:Started thread 14 on PID 5896
11:41:21:Unit 00:Completed   2500000 out of 50000000 steps (5%).
11:43:57:Unit 03:Completed  32999999 out of 50000000 steps (66%).
11:46:02:Unit 00:Completed   3000000 out of 50000000 steps (6%).
11:49:13:Unit 03:Completed  33499999 out of 50000000 steps (67%).
11:50:45:Unit 00:Completed   3500000 out of 50000000 steps (7%).
11:52:48:Unit 01:Completed 405000 out of 500000 steps  (81%)
Not open for further replies.
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