The Last of Us

I just got to Bill last night, so I'm not too far in. I think the only complaint I have is its too intense to play for long sessions. And yeah that opening chapter is tough, especially if you have kids.
So as a person who couldnt get into the Uncharted series will I be able to get down on this you think. Most of you guys know my gaming tastes fairly well so I would like a profesional opinion.
I think this will depend on what your problems with Uncharted were. Personally I did suffer combat fatigue with the Unchared games, and by the end started to get annoyed when I was thrown into conflicts. The pacing of combat is totally different in LoU. It's much slower and is focused on stealth above all else. If you do get seen and pulled into open combat you'll either die or use all your supplies to survive it.
I guess I dont really know why I didnt like Uncharted 3. I just didnt like the feeling of playing a movie thats what it felt like to me. I should give it another shot since I got it off ps+ I just hope its not only the mp. But I am not much into stealth games but I would really like to see the story of this game cause it sounds great. Maybr i will pick it up at $30 or $40
I guess I dont really know why I didnt like Uncharted 3. I just didnt like the feeling of playing a movie thats what it felt like to me. I should give it another shot since I got it off ps+ I just hope its not only the mp. But I am not much into stealth games but I would really like to see the story of this game cause it sounds great. Maybr i will pick it up at $30 or $40

Oh yeah there's less actual game here than there is in Uncharted. The story is great, but it is also a bigger portion of the experience than in Uncharted.
Here's my take....I just got to bill so I'm only 6 hours in

Totally different than uncharted. I loved uncharted many holy sh@t moments. I did not like u3 at all. Too many enemies and it was way too much of the same...

I am really liking last of us. It's not a fun game to play. You will not smile and is very tense. In fact the game play is tough. I had to move it to easy for the first zombie encounter...but the story is great.

It succeeds where bio shock infinite did care about the characters and the world actually seems real. You think this could actually happen.

It's been compared to the book the road...fantastic book. Very interesting story and compelling but not a fun read.

You could wait for it to price drop, I was going to but did not want to get spoiled so I decided to get it when it came out.

Going to play now.
I loved all the Uncharted games but must admit towards the end of 3 it became pretty systematic. Fight a bunch of dudes, move up. Platform a little, move up. Fight some more guys, move up....etc. Like the story, and really got upset when i thought a main character died. BUT nothing like TLoU... man I will go out of my way to make sure these characters are safe LOL
If you do not like stealth gameplay then I can't see how you would like this game. I am not very far into the game, but it is a methodical stealth game. Can't really compare it to anything else bc there is so little action.

But hey, you wear a hearing aid that allows you to see through walls....
I have to try it eventually just because of the buzz it had people saying might be the best game ever put out on PS3 so I at least have to see it
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