Help in setting up F@H

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Fully Optimized
England, UK
I have been giveing a Second Michine, a XP System.. I have Reinstalled XP Home, and Fully updated it.. With Various Softwere that I use.. Other than that I have no Pourpus for the Michine and thought I would use it for F@H.. Were do I start. Been Reading abit about it, and its an Excelent Idea. But I want to Join the tech-forums team for folding.. I think after looking at the Softwere, need a User name and Pass key and team Name..

@Adim, I will Dedicate this michine as much as I can, more than likely, at least 12 - 18 Hours a Day for Folding, 7 Days a week.. So any Help would be Great in getting it set up..



Sorry, I should of Read the forum First before Posting, and have managed to set it up with the Passkey and Team ID, and my Username here on the forums.. **Dur** :silly:
Hellow patonb,

On my First Michine am Running Windows 7 Professional, thats just the OS that come with the Laptop as it was a Present off a Family Member, the Laptop.

Its got a 32 Bit OS with a T6570 @2.10 @ 2.10 Intel Core Tow Duo CPU. Think its Onboard Graphics.

The Second Michine, is a Pentium 4, wich a was gonna leave Running 24\7 for those Jucey Points, in order to Rack up oh so as many as Possible.. With Windows XP Home. On this Michine a really think its Struggling, as the Image is takeing forever to Move around the Screen, you know the Image of what looks to be DNA.. (Sorry Im still Learning.)

What is nix and why has it become Faster?
Again (am still Learning!)

Also Patonb I've tried to look at the Users Statistics threw the Icon in the Task Menu but am Unable to see any Statistics for meself, spud1200.. Ive had Two michine up and Running for 3 Hours +.. Do I have to wait for their Servers to be Refreshed.

Crap, don't run the viewer... It's sometimes a crash causer. You can monitor the machines using

hfm-net - HFM.NET - Client Monitoring Application for the Folding@Home Distributed Computing Project - Google Project Hosting

You have to finish 1 work unit for your name to show up on the list, then you'll always be on it. It updates every 4hrs, or is it 3?? I forget.

Do you know what Pentium 4? I know you want to help, and every point does, but it might cost you a fortune in power bills. Unfortunate, the older cpus are becoming to slow to do this.

When I started I wasa doing 80pts per day, and now I'm able to do 35,000 and soon to get possibly 100k. All this in about 5 yrs.

*nix is linux. Due to the way the programming is, the linux program crunches faster.
Hellow patonb,

The hfm Client v., I've downloaded it but dont understand it, after extracting it, The Client Monotoring Application. Also the Pentium 4 is Running @ 2.49Ghz.. Other than that, im Unsure as to what Revision it is.

Jesus. Me heads boxed, :LoL .. .. Ok patonb, after Reading forum after forum av downloaded the 0.6.2 Version Revision 336 and removed the .exe ver. I've Imported the Log File from \AppData\Roaming\Folding@home-x86\FAHlog.txt.. And it has Brought up Statistics on the PPD, and various other Infomation.

Is their anything I should do now, or will it be as simple to leave the Michine to Fold. On the Win 7 Michine, the Display Viewer is ticking over Smoothly, and on boath michines av used the same Pass key, and tech-forums Name Spud1200..

The Client Monotoring Application for Folding@Home, will this update, with the Statistics as nessesery, such as the PPD, and the Progress, WU ect.

Setting up only sounds hard, but once you figure it out, its a breeze, and you wish you never asked how... But everyone does.

In, you need to add a client.
The hard part is figuring out where the info is that it needs to read.
If you ran the install program, it'll be something like this

Another way is to do a file search for FahCore
It will be in the folder you need to point hfm too.

If youre networked, you can also watch thoses computers from your main computer, by sharing the folding install flder, then using:
Where FOLDIE was my computer name, and I had shared the folder as Folding.

Once you get the first setup, you'll understand.

Now on to your P4... If it were me, I would not run the computer. Unless you have free power, Its terribly ineffecient.

As I had said, everything helps, but the cost to run would be better spent on a newer computer, or Beer!
I'll run the P4 Michine for the Time being, and see how things go. On the P4 Michine under XP Home, I've copyed the Log from the Folding@Home Directory, to another Folder, the Documents. As the Serch Feture wasnt showing up the Options for the Hidden Folder, wich I showed threw Tools and, Show Hidden Files. Will that be Ok?

On the Win 7 Michine I have selected the Log File, and have the hfm Client showing Data such as PPD, WU, and Progress ect. What do I do now, just let the Michine Fold, or this their other thing I should of done or I should be doing?

Nope, seems like you have it running.

Now all you need to do is throw handfuls of cash at it so you can get lots and lots of ppd. Which is points per day.

Pretty much its a measure of your folding e-penis! higher the ppd, the cooler you are ;) j/k by the way....
patonb, do you know how to set up the newtwork from a Win 7 Michine back over to a XP Home Edition Michine, so as to transfer Files back and Forwards ect. If am going to be running the Client v.0.62 Beta, I was wanting to Import the FAHlog.txt files from the XP Michine in to the Client running on Win 7.. The two Computers are running threw the Hub, as if a Star Topology.

btw, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR HELP.. Me Head has been boxed with this allnight here in the UK.. 02.46AM now..
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